Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Jarom's First Cooking Class

Jarom asked to learn how to make boysenberry jelly.
So one Saturday, in August, we took out all the items we needed and started crushing the boysenberries. It was quite a job, but Jarom was ready for the task.
After de-seeding all the berries they went into the pot to heat and add the pectin. Then the sugar and ready for the jars. Jarom did the entire process except for the last minute stirring process. He even filled the jars.
He took home 6 jars of jelly. He let me keep one. Good job Jarom.

22nd Anniversary Vacation

We just celebrated our 22nd wedding anniversary recently (Aug. 28). After spending the night with some friends in Sacramento we headed up to Redding to Lake Shasta Caverns. Wow! What an experience. It was cool and beautiful. The ride across the lake was nice and the weather that day was wonderful. A short bus ride up the hill and through a heavy locked door to the caverns. The 100+ steps are not for the faint hearted. I do say I had to stop a few times even though I exercise 6 days a week.

We then drove toward the coast and stayed the night in Arcata and on to the ocean the next morning. We drove down the coast had a nice lunch overlooking the bay at Mendocino and headed inland. We have driven all of the California coast except the last 80 miles north from Eureka to the Oregon border. Maybe next time.

I love the coast, the smell of the sea air and hearing the waves. The Humboldt Redwoods were beautiful. If you get a chance, you've just got to go.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

New Cat in the House

We adopted a new kitten by default. While visiting my father in So. California we decided to take home a cat he had been given to see how he (Jack) got along with Nimitz. It took a few days but they get along great. They have a lot of fun together and Nimitz doesn't expect us to play with him all the time. We enjoy both of them and so do the grandkids and Christi especially when they come over. We have been introducing Jack Bandit to the back yard on a leash.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Preserving Our Bounty

In the past few months I have been able to preserve over 60 jars of jam, pickles, and squash relish. The fruits I have made into jam are: Loquat, apricot, peach, boysenberry, cherry, and grape. The apricot and grape were from our own crop. It has been quite a task but the results are amazing. I have also prepared and froze several quarts of stewed tomatoes with onions, squash, and peppers for soup, spagetti sauce or chili base.

I have also made fruit leather. I got the recipe online at http://simplyrecipes.com/ . It has been very successful and we love it. I have shared it with many of my family and friends. The flavors I have made are: Cherry, plum, peach, and apricot. The favorite so far is cherry. It has been a lot of work but I have learned some new things this year. I have preserved more food from being wasted and that in itself makes me feel good. My mother taught me how to preserve foods and each time I go through the process I think of her. She has passed this legacy on to me and I continue to do my part.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Wedding

In June Ray and I attended Steve and Kelli's wedding in Utah. They chose unique color combinations which turned out very nice. Even though Steven is Ray's son it was very thoughtful of them to include me in the wedding procession.
It did rain hard right before the ceremony so they ended up having it inside but the pictures were taken outside in the garden afterwards.
We were able to visit with many of Ray's family and our grandchildren. I selected a few pictures to share. The group picture is of her family and Breana is in front of Steve (that's his daughter). The two cute little ones are our granddaughters Angelica and Aroura.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Our Garden

We planted a garden this spring. Our first farvest was crookneck squash. We had enough to share with others. It has been fun watching the crops grow. We also planted tomatoes and green peppers. They are still growing and should be ready soon. If you haven't tried a garden you should. Happy planting!

A Tribute to Rolland Payne

This tribute is written by my aunt Lois to her beloved husband who has gone with Jesus to his heavenly home.
Rolland D. Payne passed away
June 4th 2009
at home of natural causes.

The Lord said:

I know you are weary my child with all you have been through. All those surgeries, all those lab appointments, all those numerous treks to the hospital emergency room, you spent many hours waiting to be checked out and then checked in. You have been a trooper taking all I called you to bear. I won't forget the dialysis treatments and the collapsed veins until you could stand no more and then your daughter gave you a gift of her kidney which bought you 4 and a half more years. No you didn't complain just did what you had to do. I offered you love, grace and forgiveness and you accepted it my child. I know the loss of eyesight in that one eye really bothered you even more than not driving any more. (you even seemed to like being chauferred by your wife and being a backseat driver in the passenger seat next to her.) You kept your sense of humor and teased and harrassed the pretty nurses who took care of you in the hospital. I know your body is weak and wracked with coughs and your legs are swollen with fluid and you can't breathe and you have trouble sleeping at night. My child your body is just wore out and I know you are weary. Come take my hand and walk with me into a better place I have prepared for you a mansion. It is time to come home. I know your family will miss you but I will take care of them with the same love and grace I extended to you. Come home my child and find peace and rest.This tribute is written for my dear beloved husband who has gone with Jesus to his heavenly home.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Nimitz Our Cat

In January 2009 we were watchin the local Fresno news and saw a cat for adoption and fell in love him. The next morning we called the SPCA and inquired about adopting him. He has been a lot of fun to have around. He loves to play, lay on his back and have his tummy scratched, and chase and fetch balls and wads of paper. He is also our fly and bug catcher. He gets taunted by the birds outside but doesn't seem to be to concerned about it. It's like a game. He likes to see if he can fit into the smallest places imaginable. When he wants attention he jumps up and runs across Ray while he is sitting in his chair. Over his head or legs. It doesn't seem to matter to him. He goes out during the day and sleeps in the garage at night. He is laying on the climbing post Ray built him. He sticks his head and paws through the hole when he plays.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Getting Started

This is our way of keeping in touch with others. Family matters, hobbies, trips and business stuff. Maybe even interesting topics from time to time. Currently we have a cat named Nimitz and he keeps us entertained. We do a lot of reading and with the harvest season in full force I have been cooking like crazy. All kinds of fruits and vegetables. Even trying some new things like Bread and Butter pickles and fruit leather. First time for making Cherry jam and boysenberry jelly. Lots of fun.